Group Training Association

Vehicle Damage Panel Technician (Level 3)
36 Months
Are you looking to pursue a career as a Vehicle Damage Panel Technician? At the GTA you will be able to learn to repair, remove and replace vehicle body panels and components of the vehicle safely and efficiently, using a variety of body repair panel tools, equipment and devices.
A great start to your career
On completion of this apprenticeship, you will be able to work within the collision repair workshop, demonstrating your expertise and knowledge in the repair, removal and replacement of vehicle body panels to vehicle manufacturer specification. You will use your skills to correctly identify the different body panel types and have the ability to use the correct repair tools to carry out the work to the highest possible standard.
What will you learn?
How to align motor vehicle chassis and body (including underbody measurement and its impact on suspension and steering geometry).
Understand various vehicle body types, panel identification, safety systems, materials and alternative fuels.
How to use body panel repair tools, equipment and devices such as alignment jigs, resistance welding equipment, riveting and bonding tools.
How to remove and replace body panels and associated parts (including mechanically or chemically fixed components).
To interpret technical data for joining techniques for replacing panels.
Understand and perform quality control processes and the implications of poor quality.
Understand and perform key processes (including welding, brazing, riveting and bonding).
Legislation in health and safety compliance requirements of the industry.
Understand commercial productivity and efficiency awareness (including the cost of mistakes).