Date: 14th April 2021
From 14th April the GTA will be providing COVID-19 home testing kits for our learners and employees. This will require the collection and use personal data. To enable Covid-19 testing to be completed by Doncaster, Rotherham and District Motor Trades Group Training Association (GTA) we need to collect and use personal data – information that is about and identifies you. This also includes the sharing of personal data where this is allowed under data protection legislation. GTA is the ‘Controller’ for the data required for the management of test kits and for implementing local arrangements in the event of a positive test and undertaking any actions needed by school/college as part of the school/college’s health (including public health), welfare and safeguarding role and obligations.
For more information download our COVID-19 Testing at home of learners in Independent Training Providers - Privacy Statement
Jon Mace CEO